Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Strategy 6: Exquisite Corpse/Draw and Pass

Heita teachers, this drama/art strategy is awesome. I strongly recommend you do this with your students to incorporate an art lesson as well as drama. It is a method by which a collection of word or images is collectively assembled. Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule or by being allowed to see the end of what the previous person contributed. For this activity, hand out a square blank paper to each student for them to draw anything they choose that can have a relationship to a story read in class or lesson taught. Every one minute, have the students rotate the piece of paper to the right, and have that student add to the picture. Once the picture rotates a couple times, and each student has a chance to draw on each other pictures bring them together and create a quilt. It comes out really beautifully,and students are proud of the work they've done to create such a creative piece. To modify this activity, have students orally describe the images or words they contributed to draw and pass with evidence from the story.

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