Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Strategy 5: Mimed activity/ Pantomime

Nǐ hǎo teachers, this particular drama strategy is really fun and helps students to learn how to work collaboratively. This activity emphasizes movement, actions, and physical responses rather than dialogue or thoughts. It may include speech as an aid to enactment, encouraging a demonstration of behaviour rather than a description of it. The arts curriculum on page 170 states, " the use of gesture, movement and facial expression without words or sound to communicate actions, character, relationship or emotion". During the activity, students work in groups of three to four. Each group is given the same three words: e.g., Yes/No/Maybe, Why/Sorry/Oh, etc. The three students create a scene using the words given in any given order. Students will have to consider what gestures, movements and positions they will take to show which words they received. It's a great way to have your students build on collaborative work as well as physical literacy. To modify this activity, I would allow the students to choose there own words, that way they feel comfortable enough to present them.

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