Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Strategy 3: Human Puppets

Hola teachers, the next strategy that I will be sharing with all of you is Human puppets. This specific drama strategy is absolutely amazing, it's a really fun activity and I can guarantee your students will love it.   We had a guest speaker come in today and teach us human puppets. Well, if the title does not give it away, this activity involves a human becoming a puppet. First you pair up two students together. One student is the control (puppeteer) and the other the puppet. The puppeteer will then pretend to use strings to lift the body parts of the other partner, they can also change the direction of the person. The student should not actually touch the other person because you want the students to really focus on how they are going to position that other person. The idea behind this is that the pair synchronize movement, plan the story well, and cooperate so that a smooth position is formed. Once the puppet is formed, the puppet will freeze there and the puppeteer can add an caption to make it more interesting. This activity can go so many ways, and is a great way to see how creative your students are. To modify this activity, you could allow students to sit down and just move hand, arm and head motions or the puppeteer can shout the actions and the puppet has to think of a way to act it out.

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